Monday, October 31, 2011

SendPoints Publishing Co., Limited

Chinese publisher, SendPoints Publishing Co., Limited, featured our work for Charlie Palmer at The Joule in their recent book: Branding First Vol. 2.

Designers: Jee-eun Lee, Mirko Ilic

Friday, October 28, 2011

Design blog ROCKPAPERINK features an article by Steven Heller about our upcoming book: Stop, Think, Go, Do: How Typography and Graphic Design Influence Behavior. Published by Rockport. Available for purchase on Amazon, May 2012.

Book designed by Rick Landers

Below, one of the works from the book: Poezin Party
Client: Poezin; Belgrade, Serbia
Art Director, Designer: Dragana Nikolic
Photographer: Biljana Rakocevic

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Partnership with Yona Lee SA

I am pleased to announce our partnership with Yona Lee SA in Switzerland on joint projects in the near future.

Yona Lee was the lead designer for the Lausanne subway identity system while working for Pixit design agency, previous to founding Yona Lee SA. The company has created award-winning logos and works with international clients such as Nestlé and CANAL+.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 Features Jackboot Article

Salon, the award-winning online news and entertainment web site, featured our article on the Jackboot as a symbol of oppression, originally published with Imprint.

See the complete collection of over 80 images on Flickr.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Show in Novi Sad

On 25 October I will be in Novi Sad at the opening of my show at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Vojvodina.
Curated by Milos Jovanovic from Hammer Production.
See you there!

Design Envy

Our identity for LDP / Liberal Democratic Party of Serbia was featured on AIGA's blog "Design Envy" curated by Laetitia Wolff.

Somebody Else Stole the Show

The glow-in-the-dark posters designed by Daniel Young and myself about radioactive waste were shown at Northeastern University's exhibition "We the Designers" organized by Thomas Starr.

Unfortunately, somebody else stole the show. Literally. Two flags depicting the division in politics were stolen from the exhibition space but later returned. You can read more details about the theft and the controversy the show created here.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Logology 2

New book by viction:ary / Hong Kong, Logology 2, features our logos: Swiss Navy, Charlie Palmer at the Joule, La Fonda del Sol, Nadezda Petrovic Memorial, AIC Foundation, Muzej Istorije Jugoslavije / Museum of the History of Yugoslavia.

Book available on Amazon.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Serbian interior magazine, Enterijer, in their 10th anniversary issue, feature some of our graphic design for the restaurants La Fonda del Sol / New York, Charlie Palmer / Dallas, and Summit / Colorado Springs.

Friday, October 7, 2011

52 Oktobarski Salon / 52 October Salon

This year we created the identity for 52 Oktobarski Salon / 52 October Salon. It is the most respected and oldest contemporary art show in Belgrade / Serbia.
The show is organized by Kulturni Centar Beograda / The Cultural Centre of Belgrade.

Here is the logo and a few of the 17 billboards we created for the show.

Art direction and photography by Mirko Ilic.
Design by Mirko Ilic and
Sandra Milanovic.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

Milton Glaser and I each created t-shirts for Occupy Wall Street (Milton's 'Vampire'; Mirko's 'Greed'). We distributed t-shirts and my posters on 5 October to protestors in Zuccotti Park.

This image was originally created for a book cover illustration I did in 2005: Philip Augar's "The Greed Merchants: How The Investment Banks Played The Free Market Game." Published by Portfolio. Jacket design by Joseph Perez.

Book available on Amazon.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Print's Color Conference

Tomorrow, at Print's Color Conference, there will be a round-table discussion "Color and Controversy" at 4:30p with Jude Stewart, Gael Towey, Bill Moggridge, Leni Schwendinger, Darius Monsef and me. Conference hosted by the Art Directors Club.


Blog "Once Upon a Time in Yugoslavia" featured my comic "Freedom" from 1981.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Letterhead + Logo Design

New book "Letterhead + Logo Design" by Oxide Design Co., published by Rockport USA, features our Kvart Magazine logo (right page), stationery for restaurant La Fonda Del Sol (left page) and logo for Richfield Hospitality (left page). Designed by Mirko Ilic and Jee-eun Lee.

Book available on Amazon.