Tuesday, June 28, 2016


A friend of mine visiting Belgrade, Serbia went to the restaurant Drama and discovered they have my art on the wall. It seems like they thought my oil pipelines were working perfectly with their decor. Obviously that's the place I need to go for a beer next time I'm there.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Presenting Shakespeare Video

Thank you to Davorin Štetner and Kreator Film for this video of the Presenting Shakespeare Exhibition, which took place at the Art Director's Club from May 5-19th.

Monday, June 13, 2016

SVA Underground Poster Show: Warsaw, Poland

The opening of "Underground Images: School of Visual Arts Subway Posters, 1947 to the Present” poster show was last Friday at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. The show was a part of the 25th International Poster Biennale, and was opened by Beth Kleber, Archivist at the Milton Glaser Design Study Center and Archives at the School of Visual Arts.

Below are some photos from the opening.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Stripes And Stripes Logo Featured

In their articles about 2016 logo trends, LogoLounge.com and Graphic Design USA have recently featured our Stripes And Stripes logo.

Read the article here:

More about the logo here:

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Interview with Artistic License

When I was offered by Rob Snow to give an interview for Artistic License via Skype,
I was thinking it was going to be in printed form like their other interviews. But Rob decided to release the interview in video form. On top of that, unedited and raw. Even if I had known that, I don't think I would have done much better.
Luckily, I don't watch or read my interviews anyway, it's too embarrassing. And believe it or not, I have an accent too. :(

Watch the interview here.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Presenting Shakespeare

Video from last month's exhibition of Presenting Shakespeare: Much Ado About Posters at the
Art Director's Club.

Featured on Behance

"Congratulations Mirko Ilic Corp.,
Your project "SVA - Where Art Happens" has been featured in the Poster category
of our Graphic Design gallery.
Our curatorial team features a small number of projects to appear on the front of
our gallery each day. We only pick the best work that effectively promotes the
Poster community.
–The Poster Curatorial Team"

Check out the full project here.