Friday, August 4, 2017

Tony Weare's "Matt Marriott"

I just got myself another piece of my lost youth an original strip by Tony Weare's “Matt Marriott”. This strip appears in the episode called "Marshal of Ochre Flat". In my country it appears under the title "Veliki brat" in the "Zlatnoj seriji" booklet. 

David Lloyd (V for Vendetta), an admirer of Tony Weare's work, wrote: “Tony was one of just a very few strip artists here and in the US whose creative identities owed nothing to the heritage of stylisation which influenced many other newspaper adventure strip creators—he was primarily an illustrator who just happened to love drawing strips. . . . He also had a superb command of light and shade, which promoted the impression that he was drawing something he could see in front of him, rather than something he'd built up from his imagination." “Matt Marriott” is a British newspaper comic strip that ran in the [London] Evening News from 1955 until 1977. More about comics and his artist here.

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