Friday, February 28, 2020

"How to Be a Fascist" book cover

My cover design for the book "How to Be a Fascist - A Manual" by Michela Murgia. 
Art direction by Paul Buckley and published by Penguin Books.
This is a short, bitingly ironic mixture of On Tyranny and The Psychopath Test, Italian political activist Michela Murgia explores the logic that is attracting increasing numbers of voters to right-wing populism. Far from its origins in the 20th century, fascism is once again on the rise in an age of increased connectivity and globalism. Murgia shows how many of the elements of our society that we might think would combat closed-mindedness and xenophobia actually fan the flames. Closing with a “fascistometer” to measure the reader’s own authoritarian inclinations, How to be a Fascist is a refreshingly direct, polemical book that asks us to confront the fascisim in our governments, in our societies, and in our own political leanings.


Thursday, February 27, 2020

"Design from Right to Left" at Yeditepe University​

On March 2nd at 2pm I will give a lecture "Design from Right to Left" at Yeditepe University​ in Istanbul, Turkey. The lecture will be at the Yeditepe campus, in the main building, and it's open to the public.

The lecture is organized by the Yeditepe University Graphic Design Department and is going to be a part of the university's Career Festival week.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb

For their 140th anniversary, MUO - Muzej za umjetnost i obrt / Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb, Croatia, decided to refresh their permanent collection. That refreshment included a section called "Design in Croatia".

I'm very honored that they managed to fit three of my designs in that relatively small space. On top of that, I'm very honored that I'm sharing walls with some of my design idols as Boris Bucan, Ivan Picelj and Mihajl Arsovski.

"Handmade" 1997, theater poster

"Who Sings Over There" 1980, movie poster

"Hero of the Street" 1981, record cover, illiustration by Igor Kordej

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

"Mirko İlic kimdir?"

Article from the Turkish newspaper Gazette Damga about the upcoming SVA Underground Poster Show in Yeditepe University, Istanbul.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Hilton Hotel in Zagreb

Cover and spread from the book about Hilton Hotel in Zagreb, Croatia. It is nice to be in the company of my idols Mihajlo Arsovski and Boris Bucan.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Llecture at Maine College of Art, Portland

Friday February 7th, 4-5pm I will give a lecture "Design From Right to Left" at Maine College of Art, Osher Hall, Second floor. The lecture is free and open to the public.

After the lecture, at 5:30pm there will be an opening reception for the Tolerance Poster Show.

I hope I will see you there.

Portland, ME

Saturday, February 1, 2020

"Screw The One Who Started It" The Poster and Billboard

The poster and billboard for Yugoslav Drama Theater in Belgrade, Serbia's production of Mamu mu 
jebem ko je prvi počeo (Screw the one who started it) written by Dejan Dukovski.

"I wrote the text in the early nineties in this region. In some ways, it was a reaction to the view of war from 
a close range. The outrage of this view is also felt in the text. Outraged views of fallen angels. I did not 
want to write about war or comment on politics and military strategies of the time, the text is an homage 
to mythical theatrical situations about love and war, sex and violence. All scenes are replicas of already 
existing scenes of world dramaturgy. I guessed some things ... Like, for example, the young character of
 Shakespeare's Hamlet could have met in the town Wittenberg, the old and knowledgeable but decadent 
Marlowe's Faust. Learned to doubt. As I learned in those years." – Dejan Dukovski

"Screw The One Who Started It'

I just received a few photographs of the billboards and my design for the play Mamu mu jebem ko je prvi počeo (Screw the one who started it) , produced for the JDP Yugoslav Drama Theater in Belgrade, Serbia.
For more about this project, you can view this link:…/9073…/Screw-the-One-Who-Started-It