Sunday, March 10, 2024

Hari Džekson in the Wild West

Some time ago I bought this black and white photo of Hari Džekson (Harry Jackson) on the Internet. It is one of the photos from his films, which he is displaying in the window of his photography studio.

Aljuš Musli (1944–1999), was a young Muslim photographer from my hometown of Bijeljina (population 10,000-15,000 at that time), who was a passionate Western films lover, so much that starting in the seventies he changed his name to Hari Džekson and devoted all the time and money he had to shooting Western movies, with 8mm camera. He and his friends, fellow "actors" built sets of Western towns from scratch. Local peasants were supplying them with horses and local Roma (Gypsies) acted as Indians. At that time he became a cult personality. 

Unfortunately, by now he is mostly forgotten.

Since Hari never had the chance to come to the US, let alone visit the "Wild West", I decided to take him for the ride.

And here is Hari at the canyon.

Hari in the Cameron Trading Post in the Navajo Nation.

Hari in Navajo country.

Hari in front of the Blauert Buildings.

Hari in Red Rock Country.

"Usamljen kauboj sam ja, daleko od doma svog…" –Talicni Tom
"I'm a poor lonesome cowboy, and a long way from home…" –Lucky Luke

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