Friday, March 31, 2017

GT22, Tolerance in Maribor

This Tuesday March 28th GT22 (Inter(trans)disciplinary laboratory that connects art and culture) from Maribor, Slovenia organized my lecture 'Symbols of Hate' and a pop-up show of posters of Tolerance.

Now they are working on bringing that show out to the streets of Maribor.
I am looking forward to seeing that.

Thank you to everybody who brought this together.

More images by Marko Golnar and more about GT22 here

Monday, March 27, 2017

House of Tolerance - Festival of Tolerance

There Festival is well on its way.

Here are some photos from the House of Tolerance Ljubljana Tolerance Show Opening.

Thank you to all the artist who participated and made Tolerance posters.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Joe Palooka is "Making America Great Again"

I usually buy original comic strips either because I would read them when I was young, or I love how they're drawn. This comic "Joe Palooka" by Ham Fisher from the 1940s/1950s of which I had never heard of before, I bought exclusively because of the story. And what a story it is! Can you imagine in today's syndicated comics? 

 Now I know why Trump wants to "Make America Great Again." "Joe Palooka" was an American comic strip about a heavyweight boxing champion, created by cartoonist Ham Fisher in 1921. The strip debuted in 1930 and was carried at its peak by 900 newspapers. The strip was adapted to a short-lived 15-minute CBS radio series, 12 feature-length films, nine Vitaphone film shorts, a 1954 syndicated television series, comic books and merchandise. 


Friday, March 17, 2017

The Design of Dissent, A Letter from the Authors.

A Letter from the Authors,

When our book “The Design of Dissent” was first published in 2005 we could not anticipate the era of conflict and disorder the world would face in the next decade. We have been immersed in the thousands of manifestations objecting to the political and social issues around the world.

Artists usually are the alarm system for society. We share the need to express danger when totalitarianism becomes more powerful. The Graphic Arts community uses the most primitive of means; posters, handouts, buttons, and graffiti linked to provocative ideas to protect us all.

We invite you to once again help us observe and record what has happened in our time.

Join us.

Milton Glaser and Mirko Ilic

If you are interested in submitting your work to “The Design of Dissent” please download this pdf for additional information: Here

All questions should be directed to

Print Magazine Blog, The Comic Art of Mirko Ilic.

Print Magazine's Blog just published an article, The Comic Art of Mirko Ilic by Steven Brower. The article features some of my comics from the late 70s and early 80s. See the full article here.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

House of Tolerance

House of Tolerance Ljubljana / Hiša strpnosti Ljubljana will be hosting an open air exhibition of posters. The theme of the show will be "Tolerance" featuring designs by artists from around the world.

The Exhibition will open in Trg francoske revolucije on March 27th at noon.

Author of the exibition: Mirko Ilić

Designers: Milton Glaser (USA), Yuko Shimizu (Japan), Paula Scher (USA), Miran Mohar, Novi kolektivizem (Slovenia), Iztvan Orosz (Hungary), Peter Bankov (Russia), Jainping He (China), Fons Hickmann m23 (Germany), Michel Bouvet (France), Chaz Maviyanne-Davies (Zimbabwue), Alejandro Magallanes (Mexico), David Tartkover (Israel), Sue Coe (Great Britain), Anette Lez (France), Tarek Atrissi (Libanon), Hamza Abdel (United Arab Emirates), Mwalimu Saki Mafundikwa (Zimbabwue), Sarp Sozdinler (Turkey), Reza Abedini (Iran), Xiao Yong (China), Felipe Taborda (Brazil), Manuel Estrada (Spain)

Check out this special animation made by Fons Hickmann here.

I ❤️ Milton Glaser

Milton Glaser about the Tolerance for Ljubljana House of tolerance festival:

“Tolerance” is essential for human’s to embrace. It is the only antidote for the competitive drive that characterizes our species. At this moment in history, there’s a slightly reluctant quality to the word. What we really want it to mean is acceptance and generosity.

Exhibition Opening, Ljubljana, Trg francoske revolucije, March 27th 2017.

Children Magazine's to Penthouse.

I'm still buying crumbs of my youth. The latest one is this original illustration art by Ron Embleton for children's magazine (c. 1960-70's). The gouache painting on the 13" x 16" illustration board.

The first time I saw Ron's work on the covers of comic magazines in former Yugoslavia. I was fascinated with his huge amount of details and bold colors. Some of those covers your can see below.

When I was slightly older I discovered his comic "Oh, Wicked Wanda!." Of which he created for Penthouse Magazine. Because of Blogger regulations here below you can see some of the milder ones.

More about Embleton here.

Life as a Comic.

Dino Battaglia checking out my comics and introducing me to Sergio Toppi at in 1978. Photos by Ervin Rustemagic.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Murphy and Juliet

I just got myself a "Juliet Jones" by John Cullen Murphy original strip art from 1968.

He was most known for his comic "Big Ben Bolt"

More about Murphy here

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Propaganda by Design Panel Discussion

The Museum of the City of New York is organizing a panel discussion 'Propaganda by Design.' Speakers on the panel include Laurie Rosenwald, Paula Scher, Seymour Chwast and I.

Donald Albrecht will be the moderator for the evening.

Panel will be taking place on Wednesday, April 5, 6:30pm at Museum of the City of New York

1220 Fifth Ave at 103rd St

More details here.

Friday, March 3, 2017

George Wunder(ful) Ink Skills.

I just recently acquired two daily strips of George Wunder's "Terry and the Pirates" from 1950. In 1946, when Milton Caniff left "Terry and the Pirates" George Wunder was chosen to replace him.

I was never fascinated with his comics as much as I was fascinated with his inking skills. Best said by writer-artist Bill Pearson "He drew ugly people, even young women, which was certainly a curious trait, but he was one of the very best inkers in the business. His technique was flawless." With his clean and precise inking style, Wunder filled his panels with numerous foreground and background details.