Thursday, October 31, 2019

Mag Men, the book

I just received an advance copy of Mag Men, a book by Walter Bernard and Milton Glaser with a foreword by Gloria Steinem.

'For more than fifty years, Walter Bernard and Milton Glaser have revolutionized the look of magazine journalism. In Mag Men, Bernard and Glaser recount their storied careers, offering insiders' perspective on some of the most iconic design work of the twentieth century.'

I am very pleased that Walter and Milton included in this book, quite a few illustrations that I have created for the magazines they have designed.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The students at "Rebel with a cause"

This Friday, October 25 was the closing of my show, Rebel with a cause, at Gradska galerija Striegl, Sisak, Croatia, featuring my posters and illustrations. The show was curated by Alma Trauber and Dejan Krsic.

I am really pleased that the show was visited by students of different high schools and middle schools from Sisak, some of whom even had workshops in the gallery.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

"Adam and Eve" by Zlatko Bourek

Zlatko Bourek (1929 – 2018) is one of the most prolific artists I have ever known. He was a painter, sculptor, animator, children's book illustrator and theater set designer. He was a director of puppet theater, for which he created his own puppets.

Two and half years ago, I ran into him on the streets of Zagreb. He asked me if, by any chance I am going to be back in May that year. I told him unfortunately not and that why he was asking. He told me that he is going to have a solo show and in one of the paintings Adam and Eve, he has painted me.

I asked him, "Am I naked?" He told me, "Don't worry, you are in a suit and tie." I told him that I was a little disappointed as I prefer naked over suit and tie.

A year later, when I visited him, he was sick and in bed in his home and told me that unfortunately, the painting of me is on display in some show. But when it comes back, I can take it.

Then in May 2018, he passed away. Soon after that, I was contacted by his family to let me know, that the painting, on the back on which, he wrote my name, is waiting for me.

The painting is now here with me in New York.
Thank you, Zlatko.

Monday, October 14, 2019

"Rebel with a cause" in Sisak

September 27 was the opening reception of a solo show of my recent illustrations and posters, titled, Rebel with a cause, at Gradska galerija Striegl, Sisak, Croatia. The show was curated by Alma Trauber and Dejan Krsic.

After the show, I presented a lecture about Neo-Nazi iconography, titled, "Symbols of hate".

The Selestina billboards

I just received a few photographs of the billboards and my design for the play Selestina (La Celestina), produced for the JDP Yugoslav Drama Theater in Belgrade, Serbia.

For more about this project, you can view this link:

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

CENTRO diseño | cine | televisión

CENTRO diseño | cine | televisión just posted a little story about my lectures, workshop and the Design of Dissent show at their university in Mexico city in September this year.
For more images from the workshop and the show, please see here and here.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

"Secret Agent Corrigan" from 1975

Even without Secret Agent Corrigan and without cross eye girl, it is still Al Williamson. His original strip art from 1975.