Monday, July 8, 2024

Comic "Trees" by Jason Howard

My recent acquisition is page 12 from the third episode of the comic Trees from 2014. The art is done by Jason Howard. I bought this comic exclusively because of the beautiful textures which were unfortunately destroyed when the comic was colorized.


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Today on the Streets of Zagreb, Croatia

My billboard and poster announcement design for the 13th Miroslav Krleža Festival are on the streets of Zagreb, Croatia again today for the third time. 

Miroslav Krleža (1893-1981) was the most celebrated Croatian writer. In 2021, I was asked to create a poster and billboard for the 10th Miroslav Krleža Festival. I created Krleža’s profile wearing his characteristic hat, and because one of his most famous novels is titled Zastave (The Flags), I made his profile out of all incarnations of Croatian flags during his lifetime.

Originally, the organizer of the festival, Teatar Poezije Zagreb, assigned a new poster design every year. Because they were pleased with my designs they have used it every year since.


Winner of the 2024 PRINT Awards

PRINT Magazine announced the winners of the 2024 PRINT Awards.

I am really pleased that my design of "Milton Glaser: Pop" won first place in the category "Books: Entire Package."

"For forty years, the PRINT Awards have taken the pulse of the design industry. A global competition since 2020, the winning entries in the 2024 PRINT Awards reflect—and celebrate—a range of visual design trends, such as a blend of technological advancements, creative explorations in type, texture, and color, and user-centric approaches in both print and digital—an exciting year for us all!"

You can see more of the "Milton Glaser: Pop" book design here.



New A.C.2020 Comics

Here are a few more pages from my visual essay series A.C.2020. I originally created this series to express my anxiety and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. With time, in the series I also tried to address my other anxieties and visual observations.

Each visual essay comprises self-contained single-page stories created in greyish-blue tones to reflect the subject.

You can see more pages of this essay series here.


Monday, June 10, 2024

European Poster Exhibition in Guilin, China

I am happy to share with you that my posters Oedipus, The Tin Drum, The Loser, and Uncle Vanya, which I created for JDP-Yugoslav Drama Theater in Belgrade, Serbia, were included in The European Poster Exhibition at the Guangxi Normal University Press Art Museum in Guilin, China. The exhibition, organized parallel to the Beijing Opera Art International Poster Biennale Exhibition, will be open from May 25th until June 23rd.

The other artists featured in this exhibition, as well as the country that they are from, are Slavimir Stojanovic Futro/Serbia, Slobodan Štetić/Serbia, Aleksandar Mijailovic/Serbia, Jovan Tarbuk/Serbia, Studio Cuculić/Croatia, Ecouter Pour Voir Studio/France, Mikhail Lychkovskiy/Belarus, Jouri Toreev/Belarus, Birgit Kern, Germany, Aleksander Walijewski/Poland, Paweł Pacholec/Poland and Lyuba Tomova/Bulgaria.

I am thankful to the curator LI XUand to the co-convener Ivan Mišić for inviting me to be part of this exhibition. 

You can see more of my JDP Yugoslav Drama posters here.



Friday, May 31, 2024

Graphis Poster Awards 2025

Of the many gold and silver poster awards presented by Poster Awards this year's Graphis Magazine's "Poster Awards 2025", my designs for JDP-Yugoslav Drama Theater posters received two gold and four silver medals.

You can see more my JDP Poster Designs here.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tolerance Workshop in Bucharest

On May 17th there was a lecture and workshop called CITIZEN DESIGNER by Ovidiu Hrin  (Typopassage Tm) and I at the National University of Arts in Bucharest. At the same university on May 17th through 21st, a Tolerance Poster workshop was organized and held for design students and young professionals by Ovidiu Hrin and I.

The lecture and workshop was part of "I❤️DOC” project, promoting excellence in graphic design and documentary cinema. It was organized by Insula 42 and National University of Arts in Bucharest.

The posters created by the students at the workshop will be displayed at Amzei Creative Corner in Bucharest, a venue dedicated to creative industries run by The Institute in Bucharest.

Sunday, May 19, 2024


I am glad to let you know that the exhibition MILTON GLASER: ART IS WORK opened in Bucharest on May 16th.

"MILTON GLASER: ART IS WORK ACT II is initiated and curated by Typopassage Tm (Ovidiu Hrin) and co-organized by Insula 42, premiering in Romania a collection of Milton Glaser original posters donated by Mirko Ilić Corp. Hosted by Amzei Creative Corner in Bucharest, a venue dedicated to creative industries run by The Institute, the exhibition is part of „I <3 DOC”, a wider project promoting excellence in graphic design and documentary cinema initiated by Insula 42. Unicat is also an exhibition partner."