Tuesday, February 4, 2025

New A.C.2020

I would like to share with you a new page from my visual essay series, A.C.2020. I originally created this series to express the anxiety and uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Over time, within the same series, I also began to address my other anxieties and visual observations.

Each visual essay consists of self-contained single-page stories created in greyish-blue tones to reflect the subject.

You can see other comics in the series here.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

My Donation to Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum in Munich

I’m very pleased to share that I’ve just received a letter from the prestigious Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum in Munich, acknowledging my donation of 142 posters, books, and other graphic designs by various artists from around the world.

Here is the link to more info about the exhibition "Where the Wild Lines Are", which Prof. Dr. Angelika Nollert, the museum’s director, mentioned in the letter.

And if you would like to see some of the children's books I donated to the museum, you can click here.



Friday, January 17, 2025

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

My JDP Posters Featured on Graphis Blog

I am glad to share with you that Graphis Magazine featured two of my JDP theater posters which won gold in the Graphis Poster 2025 Awards on their blog.

"🎭 Bold. Provocative. Unforgettable. Designer Mirko Ilic takes theater promotion to the next level with his stunning posters for the JDP-Yugoslav Drama Theater. From shattered hearts to reimagined symbols, his work is where art meets drama. Check out the blog to read his story behind the art! 🔥" —Graphis Magazine

You can read the Graphis Blog post here.


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Artist Heat-?????


'Let’s take a look at 12 of the most influential graphic designers who have shaped the visual landscape of the music and art industries:
Mirko Ilić
The multi-talented Mirko Ilić has art-directed albums for artists like Bruce Springsteen, created animations for MTV, and illustrated New Yorker magazine covers. Some design highlights include:
“Darkness On The Edge Of Town” album design: Ilić’s black and white photo-realist design marked Bruce Springsteen’s artistic evolution from fresh-faced singer to working-class hero.
MTV Marathon packaging: Ilić created the chaotic iconic network graphics and montages that defined the visual style of 1980s music television.
His simple yet powerful Eastern European style communicates raw emotion and complexity. Having grown up in communist Yugoslavia inspires Ilić’s subtle anti-establishment bent. He brought fresh, provocative dynamism to both music and media.'

Saturday, December 21, 2024

"La Religieuse" by Georges Pichard

My recent acquisition—an original page from the comic La Religieuse by Georges Pichard from 1995.
“La Religieuse“, Denis Diderot's 17th century novel was seized by the courts. The film adaptation by Jacques Rivette in 1966 was banned from distribution. But the most scandalous version of La Religieuse is this comic book by Georges Pichard which focuses particularly on the sadistic perversions in convents.
The blurry censorship is mine.

Friday, December 20, 2024

The Clenching Fist

 I am a visual type. Because of that, I pay attention to visual elements. Sometimes, they are very puzzling to me.

One of those is this clenching fist that I've been noticing for the past 20+ years. With very characteristic details highlighted here in pink circles, especially the one highlighted in the red circle, I see exactly the same fist appearing again and again. In some cases, it's exactly copy-pasted, or photocopied before computers.
The exact same fist is used by totally opposite groups/movements—from racist Aryan groups, White Power to the Black Panther Party/Black Power and Black Lives Matter and everything in between.
Even the American Association of University Professors and the American Federation of Teachers use a slightly modified version of the same fist.
I am very curious about whose original drawing was this fist.
If by any chance you know this, please let me know.