Monday, June 10, 2024

European Poster Exhibition in Guilin, China

I am happy to share with you that my posters Oedipus, The Tin Drum, The Loser, and Uncle Vanya, which I created for JDP-Yugoslav Drama Theater in Belgrade, Serbia, were included in The European Poster Exhibition at the Guangxi Normal University Press Art Museum in Guilin, China. The exhibition, organized parallel to the Beijing Opera Art International Poster Biennale Exhibition, will be open from May 25th until June 23rd.

The other artists featured in this exhibition, as well as the country that they are from, are Slavimir Stojanovic Futro/Serbia, Slobodan Štetić/Serbia, Aleksandar Mijailovic/Serbia, Jovan Tarbuk/Serbia, Studio Cuculić/Croatia, Ecouter Pour Voir Studio/France, Mikhail Lychkovskiy/Belarus, Jouri Toreev/Belarus, Birgit Kern, Germany, Aleksander Walijewski/Poland, Paweł Pacholec/Poland and Lyuba Tomova/Bulgaria.

I am thankful to the curator LI XUand to the co-convener Ivan Mišić for inviting me to be part of this exhibition. 

You can see more of my JDP Yugoslav Drama posters here.



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