Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Joe Palooka is "Making America Great Again"

I usually buy original comic strips either because I would read them when I was young, or I love how they're drawn. This comic "Joe Palooka" by Ham Fisher from the 1940s/1950s of which I had never heard of before, I bought exclusively because of the story. And what a story it is! Can you imagine in today's syndicated comics? 

 Now I know why Trump wants to "Make America Great Again." "Joe Palooka" was an American comic strip about a heavyweight boxing champion, created by cartoonist Ham Fisher in 1921. The strip debuted in 1930 and was carried at its peak by 900 newspapers. The strip was adapted to a short-lived 15-minute CBS radio series, 12 feature-length films, nine Vitaphone film shorts, a 1954 syndicated television series, comic books and merchandise. 


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