Wednesday, September 26, 2018

New Book, Graphic Style: From Victorian to Hipster

In the new Steven Heller and Seymour Chwast book, Graphic Style From Victorian to Hipster 4th Edition, I am honored to have my work represented in 3 different sections (Kinetic, Political, and Abstract Realism). 

With more than 700 illustrations, it is the only wide-ranging history of graphic design to be completely visual, and this new edition has been brought up to date with a new section that encompasses trends from the last decade.

Walter Bernard, Mirko Ilic (creative directors), Lauren Denapoli (animator). Scout's Honor. Film title sequence, 1999. Courtesy WBMG Inc and Mirko Ilic Corp.

Mirko Ilic and Daniel Young, designers. Darfur. Poster, Paradoxy Products, 2006

Mirko Ilic. Freedom to Vote (and Make It Count). Poster for exhibition Thoughts on Democracy: Freedom to Vote, Wolfsonian-Florida International University, Miami Beach, 2016

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