Friday, August 13, 2021

A.C. 2020 comic inspired by Tomaž Pengov

My A.C. 2020 comic inspired by Tomaž Pengov song ′′ In the smile of someday ′′ From the album ′′ Travel ′′ (1973).

V nasmehu nekega dneva V nasmehu nekega dneva, stopiš na svoje križišče, in streseš pesek iz popotnih čevljev. Nekdo te vpraša kam hočeš, ti skriješ utrujene noge, in poveš, da si bil tam. Prijatelji ti odpirajo okna, in ne veš koga si ranil. Tvoja roka nikoli ni prazna, karkoli si storil, v nasmehu nekega dneva, si prinesel, prinesel s seboj. Med glasbo in njeno tišino, med senco in njenim telesom, med žensko in njeno lahko stopinjo, čutiš pot med besedo in molkom, in zemlja na katero si stopil, ti je vzela del potovanja Ko se vrneš, si sam. Ptice so zaprle poletje, in dež je ustavil ceste. Nad praznim vrčem prsti napnejo strune, in spomin ti verjame. V tišini pretrgaš zaveso, in stopiš, pred drevo, ki si ga posadil, v nasmehu nekega dneva, da odlomiš vejo, za na pot. In the smile of someday In the smile of someday, you set foot upon your crossroad, and shake the sand from your traveling shoes. Somebody asks you where you wish to go, you hide your tired legs, and tell them, you have been there. Friends open their windows to you, and you know not who you have wounded. Your hand never empty, and whatever you have done, in the smile of someday, you have brought, brought with yourself. Between music and its silence, between a shadow and its body, between a woman and her light footprint, you feel the path between word and silence, and the ground on which you tread, has taken from you a part of your journey, when you return, you are alone. The birds have brought summer to end, and rain has halted all roads, Above an empty jug your fingers draw the strings, your memory believes you. You tear apart the curtain in silence, and step, before the very tree you have planted, in the smile of someday, and break off a branch, for your journey.

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